5 Annoying Factors That Might Be Killing Your Blog Silently

Hey Lovely Readers!
Sorry, For being disappeared for long time. I wasn't feeling well and wasn't feeling like writing or posting anything. So I kept myself busy working on a very cute blogger template which will be up on blog very soon.

But now, I'm in full mood and I've lots of posts to share with you. So for next few days get ready to get lot of good stuff from here.

Today, I want to share a few annoying factors that you all must make sure that your blog is not a victim of. For last few years I've been a silent reader of many beauty, fashion and tech blogs. But only a few of them have made permanent place in my heart. So, you can consider this post as a reader's experience/feedback. Lets start..

1.)Long Loading Time:  If I ask you "Does your blog takes infinite time to get loaded?" You answer will be obviously "No". But let me tell you that with your high speed connection you might have never realized this fact that in slower networks your blog might actually be taking infinite time to get loaded. So those who are working with slow connection(or mobile device) will think twice before visiting your blog or possibly not visit your blog ever, even if your blog has great quality content. So, check your blog's loading time with different tools available on internet. Make sure you don't load your blog with too many heavy pictures. This is the biggest reason why most of the blogs out there take long time to load.

2.)Pop-ups: If you have installed some pop-up widget on your blog to get more facebook likes or e-mail subscribers, then may be you'll get few subscribers but you'll loose a lot of readers. Pop-ups are just IRRITATING. Specially if it opens up as soon as your web page loads. At least let your visitors read your post and checkout your blog properly. You can not force anyone to subscribe to your posts or like your blog on facebook. If you still want to keep a widget like this then I will advice to configure it so that it loads after at least 1 minute of visitor staying on the page and It doesn't open up on each and every page when user navigates through your blog.

3.) Too Many Ads: You might think that placing too many adds on your blog will get you more income. But it's not true. Too many adds or adds popping out from everywhere can annoy readers and force them to leave your blog. Make sure adds are placed on your blog at right places and readers can differentiate them from other useful links and content.

4.)No Response to Comments.(Being Rude): Comments and Interactions play a huge role in success of any blog. If you are a non-reply blogger then you might need to re-think about it. Okay! I understand you are too busy to generate good quality content and you don't have time for replying to comments. But nobody would ever take pain to comment on a non-reply blog or some might even think that are you're rude. I'm not saying that should reply to comments like "Nice Post", "Nice Blog" or "Good Job". But at least try to reply to genuine and reasonable comments to develop good relationships in blogosphere.

5.)No Updates For Long Time: If you are too lazy to update your blog everyday (I know even I'm) then you need to be more disciplined in future, At least try posting on alternate days. Nobody wants to visit a blog which doesn't get updated for long time and after some time readers may even forget about your blog.

That's all I could think as "most annoying factors" any blog could have right at this moment. If you think I missed something and you'll like to add something in the list, then let me know in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you...

♥♥ Stay Blogging ♥♥

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